Terry Love is a Sr. Principal and the Director of Change Management at CI Consultants, a global consulting firm specialized in training and leading organizational change with Six Sigma methodology. As a Master Lean Practitioner, He is an expert at helping clients manage geographical, physical and emotional elements of change management within and across company cultures.
Currently serving as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Community Investment Network, while he was living in Phoenix, Terry provided a wealth of knowledge and experience to the philanthropic sector by bringing forth and working to implement the model of giving circles in the valley, as an effort to engage more donors of color. As a result, REAP and The African-American Women’s Giving and Empowerment Circle emerged as avenues for African American philanthropy in Phoenix.
Terry currently resides in Houston, Texas, is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc., and is a thought-leader of Black Philanthropy Houston.
What experiences in your past led you on a road to philanthropy?
While in graduate school, I attended a grant award luncheon with a friend, and someone asked which grant we were receiving. As I was a guest, I deferred to my colleague, and the answer has remained with me to this day. “We are the donors who provided the grants being given today.” In that moment, the conversation shifted, to a much different tone, but it was this event that reminded me that Black donors are often overlooked in their communities. As such, I endeavored to start REAP with Essen, to make sure that the voice of Black Philanthropy is heard and celebrated.
What gap(s) does REAP fill in the community?
Utilizing closer-proximity, REAP is able to identify organizations and areas of need that may have previously been overlooked or denied access to funding or resources. Additionally, REAP offers the opportunity to voice real needs versus perceived or projected needs of communities.
What makes REAP giving and/or membership unique?
REAP is an all men’s African American giving circle focused on enhancing the lives of African Americans. It is unique because as of November 2017, giving circle demographics indicate that only 7.5% of giving circles nationwide have memberships that are majority male members.
Who do you see benefits the most from REAP membership?
Our community and our members benefit from this organization. While the community partners and non-profits may receive financial or professional services and assistance, our collective impact and bridging of time, talent, treasure, and testimony provide a central space for advancing causes that impact our communities.